North-Western State Medical University, Russia

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (NWSMU) was founded on October 12, 2011 as a result of the merger of the two oldest educational medical institutions in Russia – St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I. I.I. Mechnikov.

The founder of the University is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The activity of the University is based on close cooperation and coordination of educational, clinical and research activities – this allows training competent specialists who have modern knowledge and are able to apply it in practice.

University mission:

  • High quality education of a Russian doctor in the XXI century
  • Innovative scientific activity and the implementation of its results in practical health care and education
  • Highly effective medical assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation
  • Formation of high morality and spirituality of the Russian doctor
  • The University realizes its mission through educational, scientific, clinical, international and socio-cultural activities.

International activity:

  • 64 foreign partner-universities 27 countries of the world.
  • Integration of North-Western State Medical University into the international educational context.
  • Interaction with foreign universities, embassies, international associations in order to develop international cooperation.
  • Organization and coordination of international academic mobility programs.
  • Organization, development and increase of student and postgraduate educational exchanges, summer internships and practical training abroad.
  • Increase of academic mobility of the faculty members: sending leading employees of the University abroad for lectures, seminars and master-classes, as well as organizing the reception of leading foreign specialists, lecturers, professors.
  • Promotion of educational programs of the University summer and winter schools in the international arena.
  • Participation in the search for international educational and scientific and practical grants.


The North-Western State Medical University sets global goals and works every day to achieve high performance and better results. To meet the challenges of the XXI century, the University carries out daily work on improving the quality of education, introducing innovative developments into practice.

The years of experience of the predecessor universities have allowed the creation of a continuous educational program that includes pre-university training, higher education, and then advanced training or retraining.

NWSMU provides training at 7 faculties:

  • General Medicine
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Pediatrics
  • Surgical
  • Therapeutic
  • Medicine and Biology

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